My opinions on the things that piss me off.

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Marketplace from American Public Media

I'd like to pose a question to fellow NPR listeners out there. What in hell is going on with Kai Ryssdal? As Senior Editor of Marketplace has he deicided to let someone else take the reins of the show? Now, don't take this the wrong way, Scott, I like you. I think it's even neat how, at least to me, it seems you emulate Kai. However, there is only one Kai Ryssdal. Do I have to wait for the occasional report from China? Speaking of China, my second favorite bureau chief, Jocelyn Ford, has a wonderful voice and her stories are always engaging.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006 - 'Family Guy's' Stewie hosting talk show - Jan 25, 2006

This should be pretty funny, or suck. Does anyone besides Justin read this? - 'Family Guy's' Stewie hosting talk show - Jan 25, 2006

Monday, January 23, 2006

Independent World Television |

I found this website today and considered the potential. I believe the current source of news especially in the US is extremely biased, on both sides, and a level alternative is required to make an informed decision on anything today. I listen to NPR on a regular basis and they do a better job than most major market media outlets, however I wouldn't consider then any more balanced than the next guy. Take a look.
Independent World Television |

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Dear God...

Since we are all praying to whatever deity for the things we really want most in life I thought it would ok if I borrowed someone else's God for a sec to put in a request. I wouldn't wish this on anyone else, but here goes. . . Dear God, please erase Pat Robertson's mouth. I know of several ways you could do this that would serve as a lesson to the other blind followers, 1) Let a house being heated with discounted heating oil supplied by Hugo Chavez explode while he is traveling past. I don't think Hugo would mind the loss, he's probably thinking of ways to off this idiot anyway. 2) Let a blood vessel in his brain burst, then during surgery let another one burst, then another one. This way his sheep could make the deduction about Pat that Pat made about others who suffer from strokes and heart attacks. Obviously everyone who has a stroke or heart attack is actually being smitten by the hand of God. I am guessing Pat would say it's only fitting that millions of children in Africa are dying in poverty because they are Muslim.

Well, it's nice to know he still has fiends, err friends even if they are dropping off one by one . And I certainly don't blame people for following blindly, it's called having faith. Hopefully, people can use this delusional figure as a crow bar to pry their eyes away from him and back to your respective God. Don't worship man, worship God. I'm not even religious but I think this is an excellent moment to throw up, WWJD, and I don't think he would wish a painful and violent death on anyone, so much for forgiveness.

In other news, I dl'd a Superman preview today and it looks pretty good, like every other expert trailer. Take a look here.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Leading the Nation from A Podium

A few months ago the president went on a media tour that included stops in several states for speaking engagements. These weren't engagements to talk to union workers or teachers, these were engagements to make televised addresses to the public regarding the vast lack of support for the war. I guess my issue with this, and maybe politics has always been this way, is what the hell are you doing on T.v.? Shouldn't you be somewhere thinking about how to win, or draw the war. Maybe thinking about the best method to remove the majority of our troops from danger? Is going on a media blitzkrieg the most important thing? Are you obsessed with public opinion? Here's a hint. Don't look at the polls for two months, and do some fucking work. Your domestic initiatives are falling apart, the war is a fish shoot on American soldiers. Do something, do something other that standing in my T.v. and fucking talking. Peter Griffin does that so move, your blocking Stewey.

Monday, January 09, 2006

Fighting to be worthy.

Last Wednesday was poker night, and since this is a blog and I can say what the hell ever I want, I’m going to retell the hand from hell, my stupid move, and general depression with the game. Firstly, I would like to note this is my second post in as many days; this thing should be burning up technorati. In the first :20 min blind I am late action. I pick up a A-2 offsuit. I believe I called the blinds and took the free cards with maybe three other people. The flop comes A-10-6. As is almost always the case the bet comes around to me, and I bet about 2x the blind. One caller after me. The river comes 2. There is a flush draw on the board but not for me. I bet about 4x in hopes to represent the hand and the player calls again. Now, at this point I am playing against a new guy, and I place him on maybe the flush. He didn’t bet and the only other thing I could manage was pocket aces, unlikely. The river came A. At this point I assumed he made the A high flush, so, in a major mis-calculation, I went all-in. The only cards that would beat me were A-10 and A-6. I know I should have bet, but I think all in, with the current pot, was a heinous call. Also not only playing but betting so heavy on A-2 is verboten. The bike straight is vulnerable and pairing up with no kicker is vulnerable. At the table I focused on the other player’s inexperience and that was wrong. He held the A-6 making the same house, with 6’s. I made the re-buy, which I never do, and went on to elimination shortly after. I had a medium pair, flush draw, and open ended straight draw, only to miss all of them. Verdict; Bad All-In on the first hand, Good All-In and loss on the second. No biggie.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006


I would like to thank wrain1979 for placing my link back in it's rightful place. I will try to post on a level that is deserved of such an esteemed position. I bought a new cell phone recently, the MotoRazr on Verizon. While the phone is hot, sleek and flashy Verizon has chosen to disable almost all Bluetooth (BT) capabilities. This has angered me a great deal as I am still working to link my PDA with it. The dialer works but when the call is connected the Palm releases the connection and the Razr hangs up the phone call. The annoying thing is I can bond the two units and they recognize each other (under another Motorola driver, but it was worth a try) but the functions crash. The battle continues. I have our bi-weekly poker game tonight so I have that on the brain. We are bringing new people into the group so that should be fun. I am having problems with Crystal Reports today. A report I have created using data from an ODBC driver to a dbase source is taking about 1:15 to run as opposed to the Access linked version which runs in about :15 sec. I thought maybe the overhead of the ODBC driver but the dbase flavor is supposed to be negligible.