Since we are all praying to whatever deity for the things we really want most in life I thought it would ok if I borrowed someone else's God for a sec to put in a request. I wouldn't wish this on anyone else, but here goes. . . Dear God, please erase
Pat Robertson's mouth. I know of several ways you could do this that would serve as a lesson to the other blind followers, 1) Let a house being heated with discounted
heating oil supplied by Hugo Chavez explode while he is traveling past. I don't think Hugo would mind the loss, he's probably thinking of ways to off this idiot anyway. 2) Let a blood vessel in his brain burst, then during surgery let another one burst, then another one. This way his sheep could make the deduction about Pat that Pat made about others who suffer from strokes and heart attacks. Obviously everyone who has a stroke or heart attack is actually being smitten by the hand of God. I am guessing Pat would say it's only fitting that millions of children in Africa are dying in poverty
because they are Muslim.
Well, it's nice to know he still has fiends, err friends even if they are
dropping off one by one . And I certainly don't blame people for following blindly, it's called having faith. Hopefully, people can use this delusional figure as a crow bar to pry their eyes away from him and back to your respective God. Don't worship man, worship God. I'm not even religious but I think this is an excellent moment to throw up, WWJD, and I don't think he would wish a painful and violent death on anyone, so much for forgiveness.
In other news, I dl'd a Superman preview today and it looks pretty good, like every other expert trailer. Take a look