My opinions on the things that piss me off.

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Marketplace from American Public Media

I'd like to pose a question to fellow NPR listeners out there. What in hell is going on with Kai Ryssdal? As Senior Editor of Marketplace has he deicided to let someone else take the reins of the show? Now, don't take this the wrong way, Scott, I like you. I think it's even neat how, at least to me, it seems you emulate Kai. However, there is only one Kai Ryssdal. Do I have to wait for the occasional report from China? Speaking of China, my second favorite bureau chief, Jocelyn Ford, has a wonderful voice and her stories are always engaging.


Anonymous Jakey Whispas said...

I, for one, I'm not a big Kai fan. I think it's his name. What kind of fey, hipster shit is Kai, anyway? And why do they always have the people from the Wall Street Journal on to talk about the economy? Why would you have someone from a paper that is run by the cheif instigator from the current administration on to talk abnout how the current administration is handling the economy. Sometimes I want to punch NPR in the face.

1:49 PM


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